Monday, March 1, 2010

Can't trust that day.

News item #1- You can now buy my "Color Comics" mini online at I Know Joe Kimpel! It's legal digest, 20 pages, full color. It's all reprinted material, color comics I did for BASH! Magazine, Myspace Dark Horse Presents and Seven Days, but most of that isn't available anymore so I don't feel too bad about it.

News item #2- Still working on putting together a Sir Christopher book, with all of the online pages plus a new short story. Above is the title panel from the short.

And a sample from the story. It seems like I draw this image, or ones similar to it, quite a bit.

non News item- I've been trying to post things from my sketchbook every Monday. Here's an unfinished Sketchbook comic about my crazy hair, and why I've kept it short since I was like ten.

Apologies to my dad for joking about his bald spot/parenting. My parents are both pretty awesome, there are just things that moms are better at paying attention to.

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