Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hey! Long time no...write. So I took a break for summer, and since the stores have already started all their "Back to School" nonsense and sunscreen is on 70% off clearance, summer must be over. Even if it is still a million degrees outside.

So here's some things that happened while I was away:

  • I moved the website over to tumblr, for easy updating. It does mean the webcomic archives are gone, but nobody read that nonsense anyway.
  • Rob Clough reviewed a bunch of my comics, and Sundays 5 (I've got a short comic in that anthology).
  • The Comics Reporter was nice enough to link to the afformentioned tumblr site. And they wished me a happy birthday! 
  • I survived Tablegeddon 2013 and will be exhibiting at the Small Press Expo in a few weeks. 10 days, according to the countdown on their site.
  • Speaking of SPX, they were nice enough to write up an SPX Spotlight of my comics on their blog.
  • The Graphic Canon vol. 3 ended up on the New York Times Bestseller list!
And...I think that's everything. Besides the million comic projects I had to complete. And turning 31. That was a thing.