Monday, March 26, 2012

Unfinished Buisness

There is too much stuff to do!

This painting isn't done yet!

This dog needs gray tones!

This comic is nowhere near finished! Why are cars so hard to draw?


These comics are done, go read them.

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Week's Worth of Wardrobe Warm-ups

On Monday I wore a pajama top to work- it's just a long t-shirt, it was comfortable, and my work is just answering the phones and data entry so no one cares what I wear. I don't have a full-length mirror, so I did a little gouache sketch as a warm-up to convince myself it was okay (I work swing shift, so my drawing gets done in the mornings). Then I did the same Tuesday...and so on.

Learned two things from this exercise. 1) Warming up before inking is important, and 2) My look is dependent on cardigans.

Oh hey, a comic!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Everyone must eat.

This weekend I did a lot of eating, and not much drawing.

But there's comics up at the website.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Convention Season!


The spring convention season is upon us. I've had to cut way back in the number of shows I'm attending this year, which is probably for the best as my schedule was kinda crazy the last two years.

First up, The Stumptown Comics Festival in Portland, April 28th and 29th!
I'll be sharing a table with the lovely Nomi Kane, and we're putting together a split mini comic just for the show.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to miss TCAF this year, couldn't afford the plane tickets and the time off of work. But you should stop by the Quatro Monstro table and check out comics by Laura Terry, Katherine Roy and Jon Chad! And of course, don't miss the Koyama Press table. They might have some copies of Island Brat left!

I will make it to the CAKE in June, though. Looking forward to seeing Chicago again, and having a hot dog and a Green River.

And...that's it for this spring. Wow. I'd better make up for it this fall!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Old Ladies of the ID.

I've lived in the International District of Seattle for about a month now. Here are a few of my neighbors-


When I am an old woman, I will have blue hair with a leopard-print jacket and hang out in Starbucks with my laptop all day, like this lady.

ID granny 3

This woman scared the hell out of me coming out of the bank. She's either Dracula's grandma, or a Star Trek villain.

ID granny 1

Not sure if this lady is crazy or just WAY too fashion forward for me.

And it's Friday, so there's a new (old) comic up on the website.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Comic updates on the website!

Hey look, it's a comic! We haven't seen one of those in months.
I decided to start regular updates here again, there will be comics every Monday-Friday. Not new comics, but they might be new to you.

Recently I read this article on comics for kids, which refers to zines as "code for 'not available anywhere'", which got me thinking about how many zines and anthologies I've drawn comics for, where only like 100 copies were printed, most of which were given away to the contributors, and that was it. It's...a lot of pages.

There'll be comics from Caboose, Trees and Hills...other stuff that's been out of print so long I can't find a working website. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Funny Aminals!

Happy Friday everyone! My big accomplishment of the week was turning in a submission to Funny Aminals 3, edited by Jeff Lok and Bryan Stone.

I highly recommend submitting work to this quality publication. I think it's going to debut at MoCCA? And they may have animal crackers.

And as a reminder that I am still taking commissions, here's another funny aminal. Recently I was asked for a sketch of "a robot made out of a pig and curling irons"-

-and this was the best I could come up with. Poor Pigbot. He stands as testament to the fact that I will draw all kinds of crazy nonsense for $5.