Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summertime is fun times.

Lodge Camping Trip

It's summer in Vermont! The best time of year. I'm taking as many photos as possible, in hope that the memory of the sun will sustain me through the long, coming winter.

Anyway, we went on a camping trip! The college I work for owns a lot of property, and has several cabins for rent out in the New Hampshire wilderness.

Lodge Camping Trip

Like most of our events, this one was characterized by everyone worrying that we wouldn't have enough food, then ending up with WAY too much food. Many thanks to the Lamberts, Chuck and Melissa for bringing/preparing the majority of the feast, and for helping with all the planning.

Lodge Camping Trip

Here's proof I'm having a good time, as Jon berates a smile out of me.

Also been borrowing a lot of DVDs from the library, and started a sketchbook just for movie doodles:

Movie Sketchbook
Movie Sketchbook

Ponyo was great- I missed it when it was in theaters a while back.

Movie Sketchbook

Didn't like Tron so much, but the trailers for the sequel look pretty cool.

Movie Sketchbook

Squidbillies is fun. I haven't really enjoyed much of the Unknown Hinson music I've heard so far- I think he might be one of those artist you need to see live.

Movie Sketchbook

Ah, bad 80's cartoon memories. Mutant rock star mice things battle it out in the future...sometimes on roller skates?

That's all for this week. Get out and enjoy the summer!

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