Friday, February 17, 2012

Found Objects

I am still without reliable internet access (hello coffee shops) and my efforts to PAY a company to provide me with internet service have only met with frustration. 


The plan right now is to try and update this blog every Monday and Friday, whether it means walking to the library and leaning out the window to try and steal wifi from a neighbor. This is happening.

On today's menu- things I discovered while unpacking! 

Baby's first zine.

Does this count as my first zine? It was in a box of my pre-school artwork. Hey, I stayed inside the lines!

Purple is the color of a purple.


These sketches are from last spring, while sitting around by myself waiting for a concert to start.
I'd completely forgotten about this whole thing until I found the sketchbook at the bottom of a box. Always check your tire pressure before starting out on a long trip! ...also, I need to invest in some color pens. My sketchbooks are pretty dull. 

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